
i don't know why i did that before ?!  crazy ? lost soul ? or just don't wanna shame about my choice !

even i always try to tell myself that he is not a liar ...but this month .... finally he left !

my memory always stay in last year but my heart just like dead people ! no jump anymore ! becoz my heart broke !

原來"真愛" 真的像姐說的....世界上沒有這種東西, 因為人生當中需要面臨的現實太多了, 當"愛"碰上來現實, 愛也不那麼的愛了! 而真愛....難尋啊!

你說是人性太脆弱嗎? 還是現實太強大.... 原來愛這種東西, 只在音樂哩,只在電影哩,只在書哩, 只在夢境哩, 但是會再"現實"裡嗎? 我希望也渴望!

heart blood  






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